Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Biology Ib Hl Paper - 2206 Words
N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX 88106001 Biology HigHer level PaPer 1 Tuesday 2 November 2010 (afternoon) 1 hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES †¢ Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. †¢ Answer all the questions. †¢ For each question, choose the answer you consider to be the best and indicate your choice on the answer sheet provided. 8810-6001 17 pages  © International Baccalaureate Organization 2010 – 2 – 1. N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX [Question and image removed for copyright reasons] 2. What is the sequence of stages during the cell cycle? A. B. C. D. G1 mitosis G1 G1 ï ´ ï ´ ï ´ ï ´ S G1 G2 G2 ï ´ ï ´ ï ´ G2 G2 S ï ´ mitosis ï ´ cytokinesis S ï ´ cytokinesis ï ´ ï ´ mitosis ï ´ cytokinesis S ï ´ mitosis ï ´Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Varieties of bacteria resistant to antibiotics reproduce faster than non-resistant varieties. Bacteria showing resistance to antibiotics survive after antibiotics are used. 17. Which taxa do Zerynthia rumina and Zerynthia polyxena share? A. B. C. D. They share the same class but not the same family. They share the same species but not the same class. They share the same class but not the same genus. They share the same family but not the same species. 18. What features distinguish Platyhelminthes from Annelida? Platyhelminthes A. B. C. D. segmented body non-segmented body bilateral symmetry no bilateral symmetry Annelida non-segmented body segmented body no bilateral symmetry bilateral symmetry 8810-6001 Turn over – 10 – N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX 19. What are the names of the organs labelled I and II in the diagram below? I II I A. B. C. D. pancreas small intestine gall bladder esophagus liver II large intestine pancreas stomach 20. Where in a cell are antigens found? A. B. C. D. In the nucleus In the cytoplasm In the plasma membrane On the surface of the Golgi apparatus 8810-6001 – 11 – N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX 21. Which feature maintains a high concentration gradient of gases in the ventilation system? A. B. C. D. Thin-walled alveoli Thin-walled capillaries A moist lining of the alveoli Blood flowing in theShow MoreRelatedPractice Biology Ia: Diffusion2410 Words  | 10 PagesPractice Internal Assessment Report Christine Zhu St Pauls Grammar School 00296648 Biology HL Trial 1 amp; 2: 8/4/13 Trial 3 amp; 4: 10/4/13 Photo credits: Smarties by Andrew Dean, copyright Rebecca Douglas, retrieved 9/4/13 http://rebeccadouglas.photoshelter.com/image/I0000WDNZi_s2W4A Smarties Diffusion Experiment RESEARCH QUESTION How does changing the colour of smarties affect the extent of its passive diffusion? INTRODUCTION Passive diffusion, also known as simple diffusion, is used toRead MoreThe Effect of the Cold War on Stem Education3949 Words  | 16 PagesThe Effect of the Cold War Arm’s Race on STEM Occupations during the Cold War Ketib Oldiais Mr. Kelley IB Asian and European History HL 00450- A. Plan of Investigation 5 marks During the Cold War, the struggle for power between the communists of Soviet Russia and the pro-democracy politicians of the United States escalated in numerous proxy wars, acts of espionage, and potential nuclear warfare. Behind it all however, the Cold War was a breeding ground for competition in the fields of science,Read MoreHigh School Fruit Fly Lab3600 Words  | 15 PagesFruit Fly Lab Alycia Fletcher Biology IB HL March 25th 2010 Fruit Fly Lab Introduction Genes can either be sex-linked or autosomal. If a gene appears mostly in one sex chances are the gene is sex-linked and if it appears frequently in both sexes it is most likely autosomal. Using Drosophila melanogaster, also known as the fruit fly, we will determine whether the gene is sex-linked or autosomal. Drosophila melanogasters have a relatively short life span and are an excellent organism
Monday, December 16, 2019
Top Tips of Student Term Papers
Top Tips of Student Term Papers Because term paper conventions will usually differ from discipline to discipline, and at times from class to class, it's best if students utilize totally free college papers that can be finished in precisely the exact general discipline and in exactly the same citation style that the learner would use. Even though there are many writing companies, a number of them don't provide students with quality already written essay and thus students ought to be careful with these kinds of businesses. Reading totally free essays can provide students realistic goals concerning the sort of writing they are able to aim for when you take a look at the quick term. Any student can execute an online search and discover dozens of websites that let them purchase college term papers. Our writing company has been in the business for so many years which is why writing college essays irrespective of its topic isn't a huge deal to us. Pre-eminently, the typical student term paper reflects a deficiency of private involvement of the author in his subject. The very first portion of the thesis examines child. Now, every student has a hectic and distressing life, with plenty of tasks to finish, quite frequently, in a short deadline. There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. The single long term paper, on the flip side, usually seeks to check the student's capacity to explore a particular problem in depth, bringing together a relatively large quantity of material to keep on a single topic. If you would rather compromise on basis of cost and wind up with buying subsidized term paper then you're bound to get problems and embarrassment. Luckily, you've come to the proper place to discover the best remedy to every single academic writing problem that you're currently facing with your essay. Many students search for term papers for free when they want to see an illustration of what a report appears like. Students who need to write MLA reports should take note that there are numerous different term for writing assignments. Register of health care reports, 1906-7. Students who are trying to get such reports online ought to be discriminating in their selection. Which should assist the student to earn a consistent collection of references and a. Homework and studying for tests and exams is only the start. Students should remain sure the absolutely free dissertations they're using are accurate, higher quality, and contain the proper formatting requirements. Get the Scoop on Student Term Papers Before You're Too Late Students often utilize no cost dissertations as a way to understand the simple format. In the present education, they are required to do essay papers as part of their academic coursework. Also, when they look for free essays, they should make sure that the free essays they select meet the size requirements of an assignment and contain the right pieces of information. When a student obtains an absolutely free essay, it is ordinarily written for some topic. Free student essays can be extremely useful in such study. They can be very useful in such study. Students should remain mindful that essays and term papers have their very own unique formats and kinds of content. They also need to make sure that the free essays and term papers they reference are not only accurate, but also well-written. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Student Term Papers Some individuals write the whole paper till they write the introduction. Firstly, lots of research is needed for term papers. A totally free essay is one that a student obtains without needing to pay for it. By making use of a term paper as an example documents, learners can acquire a good idea about what a report appears like, what sort of content needs to be included, the way the document should flow, and what style a student should use while completing a report. Progressive students always require not just the ideal quality but the most economical and student-friendly rates.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Plastic Bag Tax free essay sample
Plastic bag tax: To reuse bags or to refuse tax? Statistics reveals that 800,000 tons of plastic bags are used yearly in the European Union. In 2010, the average citizen used 191 of them but only 6% were recycled; yet, more than 4 billion bags are thrown away each year (Summers, 2012). However, some countries have banned using plastic bags completely; others, such as China and South Africa, banned only ultra-thin plastic bags, while in number of countries, a tax has been imposed. Plastic bags are commonly dumped everywhere; they could be found on parks, over trees, on beaches. They require great efforts to be collected and controlled, and that is one reason behind the ban ordinance in many places. In Ireland’s case, a tax of 15-euro cent on using plastic bags has been enacted in 2002. This successfully contributed to decrease the use of this kind of bags by 95%, and therefore, led to less litter in the surroundings and saved the energy used to recycle (Summers, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Plastic Bag Tax or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to the WordWatch Institute, in Washington D. C. , a five-cent tax per plastic bag brought the percentage of residents’ monthly use of plastic bags down from 22. 5 million, before the levy was introduced in 2010, to 3 million today. This small amount of tax would have a significant result in saving the environment if it is considered by the governments as an option to reduce pollution. The Oregon Legislative Assembly should enact a five-cent tax on plastic bags for many reasons. First, these bags have a negative impact on the environment; secondly, by enacting this levy the plastic-bag industry would be enticed to produce new products that don’t harm living things; and finally, this levy would increase the environmental awareness among the people and encourage them to rethink about their daily habits. The impact of plastic bags on the environment is very damaging. As already mentioned, plastic bags are discarded everywhere not only in landfills, which make it very difficult to control the damage. Even when people are environmentally aware enough in dumping their bags, plastic bags can be easily carried by wind to places that can hardly be reached, therefore, it is difficult to dispose them. Furthermore, hundred of plastic bags eventually end up in oceans and rivers and kill off the marine life. Actually plastic bags are non-biodegradable and last for years. Instead, these products are broken down to smaller pieces by some environmental factors and then carried away by winds and water, and therefore spread everywhere, hence, cause more damage and expand the problem. According to Samantha Fanshawe, the UK Marine Conservation Society’s director of conservation, scientists have found plastic bags in numbers of dead turtles’ and whales’ stomachs (Williams, 2004). Many species in water are vulnerable to swallow floating plastic bags, even the most intelligent ones. These animals swim with their mouths open, which make them always at risk to suck up this plastic plankton. The tax or ban on plastic bags might force the plastic bags manufacturers to innovate a new product that more friendly to environment. If plastic bags are banned, there will be definitely an economic impact on the production. Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University in Boston has reported that as the Oregonians pay a tax on plastic bags, the plastic industry will undergo a decline in sales; therefore, it will lead to a decline in employment (Wynn, 2011). On one hand, the use of plastic bags would decrease when a tax on consumers is applied; accordingly, the plastic bags production would decline; so, if the manufacturers want to revive their business, they should take an action. One solution might be coming up with a new product that satisfies the shoppers and the policy makers while at the same time doesn’t harm the environment. On the other hand, manufacturers would carefully consider more natural resources if they want to keep their business prosperous, avoiding any potential ordinance in favor of environmental protection. Another important reason why a tax should be imposed on plastic bags is that it will positively increase the Oregonians’ environmental awareness to some extent. Edward Russo (2013), a writer for The Register-Guard, writes that some stores in Eugene have already discontinued offering plastic bags for the shoppers; as a result, the customers have started to reuse the bags or use alternative made out of fabric or paper. Generally, people will cooperate with official ordinances and regulation; they may also do some research to find out why such ordinance has been enacted. Consumers may have never concerned about the environment but imposing a tax on plastic bags could be an alarm for them and in this way they figure out the huge destruction of these products. Likewise, the consumers may also reconsider new habits in their life and get rid of other bad ones; they may rethink more about their behaviors and how harm it has effected the surroundings. Residents will carry along their bags with them when go shopping, and they will tend to use alternative bags such the ones that made out of paper or cloth. Garbage bags also can be used more than once in order to reduce the waste. Some opponents of a plastic bag tax argue that the tax on plastic bags will be financially a burden on them. The Coalition to Stop the Seattle Bag Tax, which was formed after a tax on Styrofoam container was imposed by the city council in 2009, has claimed that â€Å"a 20-cent tax per bag would cost consumers $300 each year†(O’Carroll, 2008). Though, the WorldWatch Institute states that the average weekly use of plastic bags is less than this number (O’Carroll, 2008). However, in many cases, the government uses this tax to clean up the polluted places in the region. For example, the Washington D. C. government used the tax to clean up the Anacostia River that is severely polluted by trash (Worldwatch, n. d). Subsequently, when people pay off this modest tax, they indeed participate in preserving the environment and supporting projects, which have been published to curb the pollution that basically caused by people; therefore, they contribute to the public good. An Oregonian plastic bag tax is a good way to limit the environment pollution. It will not only help to decrease the amount of plastic bags disposed, but will increase the residents’ awareness as well as the governments’ income. We should never let single-use plastic bags to pollute the planet for ages. A serious step toward banning plastic bags in Oregon should be taken. Actually, governments and consumers should work hand in hand to stop pollution and save energy; to save the human being and marine animals; to protect the air and water; it is the least people can do considering this mess they have produced. References O’carrol, E. (2015, September 15). Industry group fighting Seattle plastic-bag tax: American Chemistry Council spent $180,625 in August fighting a 20-cent fee on paper and plastic shopping bags. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from http://www. csmonitor. com/Environment/BrightGreen/2008/0915/industry-group-fghting-seattle-plastic-bag-tax Summers, C. (2012, March 18). What should be done about plastic bags. BBC News Magazine. Retrieved from http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/magazine-17027990 Russo, E. (2013, February 27). Time to bag it: Within weeks Eugene shoppers must give up their plastic
Sunday, December 1, 2019
To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Example
To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay â€Å"As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grown but there wasn’t much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra. †(279) Scout says this at the end of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The story is set in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930’s. The main characters, Scout and Jem live with their lawyer-father, Atticus. Scout and Jem are adventurous kids who become fascinated by their mysterious neighbor, Arthur â€Å"Boo†Radley. He is the character in their games and plays. Boo saves the day but no one brings him into the spotlight because as the kids learn, it’s similar to killing a mockingbird. Throughout the book, Jem and Scout learn many things: to fight for what they believe in and that everyone deserves to be treated fairly. Scout learns from Atticus that fighting isn’t always right, but you should defend what is best. For example, while Jem and Scout talk to Atticus about the Tom Robinson case and he says, â€Å"†¦Every lawyer gets at least one case in his life-time that effects him personally. †(76) Atticus knows he can’t win the case but he takes it because he knows Tom is innocent. This case was a great way for Atticus to teach Scout that that he would argue until the end and prove Tom’s innocence. Furthermore, while visiting family, Scout and her cousin Francis get in an argument and he says, â€Å"‘Nigger-lover†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This time I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth†(84) Atticus tells Scout not to fight, but when she gets called a mean name she fights because she knows he isn’t right. Just because Atticus is defending a black man, that doesn’t give Francis a right to call her something rude and she realizes it. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mocking Bird specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mocking Bird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mocking Bird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Atticus teaches his daughter to fight for what she believes. Jem learns that everyone should be treated the same and skin color doesn’t matter. For instance, the final verdict of the Tom Robinson case is reached, â€Å"I shut my eyes. Judge Taylor was polling the jury. ‘Guilty†¦guilty†¦guilty†¦guilty†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ (211) Once Jem hears the news he cries because he knows that Tom Robinson is innocent but because he is black they say he is guilty. Jem wants Tom Robinson to be innocent but no one treats him the same as Bob Ewell. In addition, while Jem is talking to his father, Atticus says, â€Å"‘Tom Robinson’s a colored man, Jem. No jury in this part of the world’s going to say, ‘We think you’re guilty but not very, ‘on a charge like that. It was either a straight acquittal or nothing. ’†(219) Even though a lot of people are racist in the town, Jem doesn’t follow those ways. Atticus proves Tom’s innocence but the jury says he is guilty on all charges just because the color of his skin. Through his experiences, Jem is taught that racism is evident in his town and he should treat people equally. In conclusion, Jem and Scout learn many lessons. Their neighborhood teaches them about racism and how people should stand up for what they believe. Racism is still a problem in the world but not as bad as it was in the 1930’s. Blacks and whites are allowed to do things equally and being half black and half white isn’t looked down on anymore. People fight for what they believe in now more than ever. There are always rallies or meetings or clubs for people that feel that what is going on isn’t right. Times have changed; but people still learn what Scout and Jem did.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Unitarian and Universalist Women
Unitarian and Universalist Women Many Unitarian and Universalist women were among the activists who worked for womens rights; others were leaders in the arts, humanities, politics and other fields. Â The list below is fairly extensive and includes women from before the Unitarian and Universalist movements merged as well as afterwards, and also includes some women from neighboring movements including Ethical Culture. Listed in order of their birth years. American unless otherwise indicated. Anne Bradstreet 1612-1672 Nonconformist poet, writer; descendents include Unitarians William Ellery Channing, Wendell Phillips, Oliver Wendell Holmes Anna Laetitia Aiken Barbauld 1743-1825 Unitarian (British) activist, poet Judith Sargent Murray 1751-1820 Universalist poet and author; wrote essay on feminism: On the Equality of the Sexes in 1790 (Rossi, 1973) Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797 Unitarian; married Unitarian minister author, wrote Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792) and Maria or the Wrongs of Woman; mother of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, author. Mary Moody Emerson 1774-1863 Unitarian writer; many of her unpublished writings foreshadow the ideas of her nephew, Ralph Waldo Emerson Maria Cook 1779-1835 Universalist jailed after preaching Universalism Lucy Barnes 1780-1809 Universalist Universalist writer, poet Eliza Lee Cabot Follen 1787-1860 Unitarian childrens author, abolitionist; she, with husband Charles Follen, Harvard German instructor, introduced the Christmas tree custom to America Eliza Farrar 1791-1870 Quaker, Unitarian childrens author, abolitionist Lucretia Mott 1793-1880 Quaker, Free Religious Association reformer: abolition, feminism, peace, temperance, liberal religion; cousin of Phebe Hanaford (also on this list) Frederika Bremer 1801-1865 Unitarian (Swedish) novelist, feminist, pacifist Harriet Martineau 1802-1876 British Unitarian writer, social critic, journalist, feminist Lydia Maria Child 1802-1880 Unitarian author, abolitionist, reformer; wrote An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans and Over the River and Through the Woods Dorothea Dix 1802-1887 Unitarian mental health reformer, prison reformer, poet Elizabeth Palmer Peabody 1804-1894 Unitarian, Transcendentalist (teacher, author, reformer; sister to Mary Peabody Mann and Sophia Peabody Hawthorne (both also on this list); close associate of William Ellery Channing Sarah Flower Adams 1805-1848 Unitarian (British) hymn writer: Nearer My God to Thee Mary Tyler Peabody Mann 1806-1887 Unitarian educator; sister to Elizabeth Palmer Peabody and Sophia Peabody Hawthorne (both on this list), married to Horace Mann Maria Weston Chapman 1806-1885 Unitarian abolitionist Mary Carpenter 1807-1877 Unitarian (British) abolitionist, teacher, juvenile justice reformer Sophia Peabody Hawthorne 1809-1871 Unitarian author and writer; sister to Elizabeth Parker Peabody and Mary Peabody Mann (both also on this list), married to Nathaniel Hawthorne Fanny Kemble 1809-1893 Unitarian (British) poet, Shakespearean actress; author of Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-39 Margaret Fuller 1810-1850 Unitarian, Transcendentalist American writer, journalist, and philosopher; friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson Elizabeth Gaskell 1810-1865 Unitarian writer, reformer, wife of Unitarian minister William Gaskell Ellen Sturgis Hooper 1812-1848 Transcendentalist Unitarian poet, sister of Caroline Sturgis Tappan (also on this list) Elizabeth Cady Stanton 1815-1902 Unitarian suffragist, organizer, writer, co-author of The Womans Bible, mother of Harriot Stanton Blatch (also on this list) Lydia Moss Bradley 1816-1908 Unitarian and Universalist educator, philanthropist, founded Bradley University Charlotte Saunders Cushman 1816-1876 Unitarian actor Lucy N. Colman 1817-1906 Universalist abolitionist, feminist, freethinker Lucy Stone 1818-1893 Unitarian feminist, suffragist, abolitionist; married Henry Brown Blackwell whose sisters were Elizabeth Blackwell and Emily Blackwell (both on this list) and whose brother Samuel Blackwell married Antoinette Brown Blackwell (also on this list); mother of Alice Stone Blackwell (also on this list) Sallie Holley 1818-1893 Unitarian abolitionist, educator Maria Mitchell 1818-1889 Unitarian astronomer Caroline Sturgis Tappan 1819-1868 Transcendentalist Unitarian poet, childrens author, sister of Ellen Sturgis Hooper (also on this list) Julia Ward Howe 1819-1910 Unitarian, Free Religious Association writer, poet, abolitionist, social reformer; author of Battle Hymn of the Republic; promoter of Mothers Day for Peace; mother of Laura E. Richards and married to Samuel Gridley Howe, founder of the Perkins School for the Blind, researcher Lydia Pinkham 1819-1883 Universalist (eclectic) patent medicine inventor, businesswoman, advertising writer, advice columnist Florence Nightingale 1820-1910 British Unitarian nurse; founded nursing as a modern profession; mathematician: invented the pie chart Mary Ashton Rice Livermore 1820-1905 lecturer,suffragist, temperance advocate, helped organize Civil War Sanitary Commission Susan Brownell Anthony 1820-1906 Unitarian and Quaker reformer, suffragist) Alice Cary1820-1871 Universalist author, poet, abolitionist, suffragist; sister of Phoebe Cary (also on this list) Clara Barton 1821-1912 Universalist American Red Cross founder Elizabeth Blackwell 1821-1910 Unitarian and Episcopalian physician, sister of Emily Blackwell, sister of Samuel Blackwell who was married to Antoinette Brown Blackwell, and of Henry Blackwell, married to Lucy Stone (Emily Blackwell, Antoinette Brown Blackwell, and Lucy Stone are on this list) Caroline Wells Healey Dall 1822-1912 Unitarian reformer, author Frances Power Cobbe 1822-1904 Unitarian (British) feminist, anti-vivisectionist Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz 1822-1907 Unitarian scientist, author, educator, first president of Radcliffe College; married to Louis Agassiz Sarah Hammond Palfrey 1823-1914 writer; daughter of John Gorham Palfrey Phoebe Cary 1824-1871 Universalist poet, abolitionist, suffragist; sister of Alice Cary (also on this list) Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney 1824-1904 Universalist, Unitarian, Free Religious Association civil rights activist, suffragist, editor, speaker Antoinette Brown Blackwell 1825-1921 Congregational and Unitarian minister minister, author, lecturer: possibly the first woman ordained as a Protestant minister in the US by a recognized denomination; later married Samuel Blackwell, brother of Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell and of Henry Blackwell who was married to Lucy Stone (Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell and Lucy Stone are on this list) Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 1825-1911 Unitarian writer, poet, abolitionist, feminist, temperance advocate Emily Blackwell 1826-1910 Unitarian physician, sister of Elizabeth Blackwell, of Samuel Blackwell who was married to Antoinette Brown Blackwell, and of Henry Blackwell who was married to Lucy Stone (Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Blackwell, and Antoinette brown Blackwell are on this list) Matilda Joslyn Gage 1826-1898 Unitarian suffragist, reformer; her daughter Maud married L. Frank Baum, author of The Wizard of Oz. Gage retained her membership in the Baptist church; later became a Theosophist. [picture] Maria Cummins 1827-1866 Unitarian author Barbara Bodichon 1827-1891 Unitarian (British) artist, landscape watercolorist; writer, cofounder of Griton college; feminist activist Phebe Ann Coffin Hanaford 1829-1921 Universalist minister, author, poet, suffragist; cousin of Lucretia Mott (also on this list) Abigail May Williams 1829-1888 Emily Dickinson 1830-1886 Transcendentalist poet; Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Unitarian minister, was an important figure in her career Helen Hunt Jackson 1830-1885 Transcendentalist author; proponent of Indian rights; no church connection as an adult Louisa May Alcott 1832-1888 Transcendentalist author, poet; best known for Little Women Jane Andrews 1833-1887 Unitarian educator, childrens author Rebecca Sophia Clarke 1833 -1906 Unitarian childrens author Annie Adams Field 1834-1915 Unitarian author, literary hostess, charity worker; married to James Fields, editor of the Atlantic; after his death lived with Sarah Orne Jewitt, author Olympia Brown 1835-1926 Universalist minister, suffragist Augusta Jane Chapin 1836-1905 Universalist minister, activist; one of the chief organizers of the Parliament of the Worlds Religions, 1893, especially of participation of many women of a variety of faiths in this event Ada C. Bowles 1836-1928 Universalist suffragist, abolitionist, temperance supporter, home economist Fanny Baker Ames 1840-1931 Unitarian charity organizer; suffragist, teacher; leader of the Unitarian Womens Auxiliary Conference Charlotte Champe Stearns Eliot 1843-1929 Unitarian author, reformer; father-in-law was William Greenleaf Eliot, Unitarian minister and founder of Washington University, St. Louis; son was T.S. Eliot, poet Eliza Tupper Wilkes 1844-1917 Universalist and Unitarian minister Emma Eliza Bailey 1844-1920 Universalist Universalist minister) Celia Parker Woolley 1848-1919 Unitarian, Free Religious Association minister,social reformer Ida Husted Harper 1851-1931 Unitarian journalist, historian and biographer and press expert for the woman suffrage movement Anna Garlin Spencer 1851-1931 Free Religious Association minister, writer, educator, NAACP founder, social reformer; also wife of Unitarian minister William B. Spencer; though Spencer was associated with Unitarian, Universalist, and Ethical Culture congregations, she identified with the broader free religion Mary Augusta Safford 1851-1927 Unitarian minister Eleanor Elizabeth Gordon 1852-1942 Unitarian minister Maud Howe Elliott 1854-1948 Unitarian author, social reformer; daughter of Julia Ward Howe (also on this list) Maria Baldwin 1856-1922 Unitarian educator, reformer, first African American woman principal Harriot Stanton Blatch 1856-1940 Unitarian suffragist; daughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton (also on this list) Alice Stone Blackwell 1857-1950 Unitarian suffragist, reformer; daughter of Lucy Stone (also on this list) and Henry Brown Blackwell Fannie Farmer 1857-1915 Unitarian (and Universalist?) cookbook author, teacher of cooking and dietetics; first to write recipes wit exact measurements Ida C. Hultin 1858-1938 Unitarian and Universalist minister; spoke at 1893 Parliament of the Worlds Religions Caroline Julia Bartlett Crane 1858-1935 Unitarian minister, social reformer, sanitation reformer Carrie Clinton Chapman Catt 1859-1947 Unitarian connections suffragist, pacifist, founder of League of Women Voters Ellen Gates Starr 1859-1940 Unitarian roots, converted to Roman Catholicism co-founder of Hull House, labor activist, Socialist Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman 1860-1935 Unitarian (feminist, speaker, author of Herland, The Yellow Wallpaper) Jane Addams 1860-1935 Presbyterian social reformer, settlement house founder; author of Twenty Years at Hull House; attended All Souls Unitarian Church in Chicago and the Ethical Culture Society in Chicago for many years; was briefly an Interim Lecturer at the Ethical Society; retained her membership in a Presbyterian congregation Florence Buck 1860-1925 Unitarian minister, religious educator, writer Kate Cooper Austin1864-1902 Universalist, freethinker feminist, anarchist, writer Alice Ames Winter 1865-1944 Unitarian Womans Club leader, author; daugher of Fanny Baker Ames (also on this list) Beatrix Potter 1866-1943 Unitarian (British) artist, author; wrote Peter Rabbit series Emily Greene Balch 1867-1961 Unitarian, Quaker 1946 Nobel Prize for Peace; economist, pacifist, a founder of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom Katherine Philips Edson 1870-1933 Unitarian suffragist, reformer, labor arbitrator (Sara) Josephine Baker 1873-1945 Unitarian health reformer, physician, public health administrator Amy Lowell 1874-1925 Unitarian poet Edna Madison McDonald Bonser 1875-1949 Universalist minister, religious educator; first woman minister in Illinois Clara Cook Helvie 1876-1969 minister Sophia Lyon Fahs 1876-1978 Unitarian Universalist religious educator, minister Ida Maud Cannon 1877-1960 Unitarian social worker; known as founder of medical social work Margaret Sanger 1883-1966 birth control advocate, social reformer Marjorie M. Brown 1884-1987 Unitarian (uthor, Lady in Boomtown Maja V. Capek 1888-1966 Unitarian (Czechoslovakian) Unitarian minister; helped create the Flower Communion and introduce it to Unitarians in America and Europe Margaret Barr 1897? - 1973 Unitarian (British) educator, administrator, helped create Unitarian church movement in Khasi Hills, India; friend of Gandhi May Sarton 1912-1995 Unitarian Universalist poet, author Sylvia Plath poet Malvina Reynolds songwriter, folksinger Frances Moore Lappe author, nutritionist, activist: wrote Diet for a Small Planet Jewel Graham Unitarian Universalist social welfare educator; President, World YWCA
Friday, November 22, 2019
6 steps to turning a work buddy into a real-life friend
6 steps to turning a work buddy into a real-life friend Most people have two social groups in their lives: the people you hang out with all day, every day, because you have to (coworkers) and the people you hang out with by choice when you find the free time (friends). Lots of people keep these spheres separate, so there are firm boundaries in place between work life and real life. But what happens when you meet someone at work who you just adore and want to become friends with beyond office pleasantries? There are a lot of reasons it’s great to have a true pal and confident at work. Random â€Å"just saying hi†pop ins make your day go faster. You have a constant lunch or coffee break buddy. And work-wise, it can often mean a strong ally on your side. But negotiating the road to real friendship can be a tricky one. Here’s how to do it.1. Be picky- find someone you trust.You can’t afford to lay it all out there for just anyone. Quality is much more important than quantity when it comes to office friendships. Sh oot for one (or two) people who seem to have interests and life situations and values most in common with you.2. Don’t rush the process.Don’t jump right into the meaningful convos over margaritas stage, or the inviting people over for dinner with your family stage. Going from coworker to friend takes a gentle touch- if things don’t work out, you still need to see the person every day. Start with a casual coffee or a lunch to test the waters. Is the conversation effortless? Do you feel comfortable, and can you tell whether your new pal-to-be feels comfortable as well?3. Go on a second date.Just because the first foray went well, make sure it wasn’t just a fluke. Try another lunch or casual coffee, or maybe a happy hour. If you pick up straight where you left off and it still feels breezy and fantastic to be in their company, then keep at it.4. Lead with what interests you.Don’t just talk about work. Start trying out conversations that have more to d o with your outside life, interests, hobbies, and passions, and see how well you match up. To build a real friendship you’ll need to build shared memories, which is much easier to do when you have more in common than just where you go to work each day. Try not to go too personal too soon, though- you can bare your soul a few months down the line, not right after you find out whether or not someone has any siblings.5. Open up when you feel comfortable.When you feel like things are really moving along well, it might be time to let your hair down cautiously and share some more personal details. No oversharing! Keep it relaxed and not too dramatic. Take your cues from your new friend, as well. Listen to what they’re talking about and try not to bulldoze through whatever boundaries they might be adhering to with big blockbuster confessions.6. Keep potential complications in mind.Having a work bestie or two can be great, but you should also be prepared for the occasional awkward situation. Say your friend gets promoted over you or starts to shoot up the ladder and you’re still stuck at entry-level. How might you react? Try to foresee a few of these possibilities and ask yourself if you’ll be able to be genuinely happy for your friend’s success and not too competitive throughout the course of your careers. Will this friendship be strong enough to weather the ups and downs of your working world?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economy - Assignment Example In carrying out this research the researchers used purposive sampling and questionnaires in data collection so as to increase the chances of conducting a perfect research. This article specifically discusses results from two cities; St. Louis and Cincinnati where in both cases magnet school were successful. There are costs associated with magnet school which include transport. The benefits achieved from this program were found to outweigh the cost as valued by parents and teachers. Clark in his article outlines the hard choices that the university fraternity has to make so as to remain competitive in terms of quality and the autonomy that institution deserves. Public research University faces challenges; the ever increasing number of student and the limited availability of resources. This offers the private university a comparative advantage. In order to bridge this gap he offers short- term solution which includes; privatizing tuition and federalizing the universities, this increases their competitiveness. In addition, universities should concentrate on increasing public support, increasing efficiency in use of resources, pluralistic leadership, enhancing long-term path to be followed by the movement. There are uncertainties whether research University fosters productivity and sustainability. In conclusion the author appreciates the benefits derived from development of human capital generated from universities. (Kerr 187) The author introduces this article by outlining the difficulties that the founders of colleges faced while trying to establish a college. He points out that, colleges established lacked buildings, students or professors, thus making colleges in complete. In addition the founders used crude ways in establishing colleges like other economic activities. From this article the author also outlines that the college founders were mainly missionaries or settlers. It was also established that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Single-Gender Education is a Viable Option in the Public Sector Research Paper
Single-Gender Education is a Viable Option in the Public Sector - Research Paper Example Overview Gender equity in schools has been another issue as proved in the research conducted by Datnow, Hubbard, & Woody (2001) on gender bias against girls in coeducation schools. The past history on girls’ education has been one of ignoring the useful feedback by the school administration; girls have been found hesitant in taking science and mathematics as subjects at senior level, and face increased fear of sexual harassment. Off late, girls have outshined boys in overall academic performance but certain subjects like computer science and technology majors are still not their favorable choice. There has been ongoing public discussion on â€Å"crisis†for boys too not only because of their low grades on reading and language tests but the danger of their probability towards indulging in crimes, specifically boys of color (Datnow et al., May 2001). In California State, according to Datnow, Hubbard, & Conchas (2001) initiative was taken to draft legislation for funding t he single gender school by the former Governor, Pete Wilson. The analysis of this initiative and its success depends on social economic and political contexts; how one context on single gender education impacts outcomes at different state, city, and school levels. Hall and McGinty (1997, p. 461) have analyzed this interconnected process of implementation of single gender schooling, â€Å"as a web of inter-related conditions and consequences, where the consequences of actions in one context may become conditions for the next.†Legal implications of setting single gender schools started in 1972 when the United States Congress passed Title IX to promote equal education for both the sexes leading to decrease in the number of single-gender public schools (Erling and O’Reilly, 2009).... This report approves that single-sex education has to confirm to the law under the given context. There cannot be a straightforward answer to the question without getting any favorable decision from the Supreme Court on segregation of gender at elementary and secondary level of education. Some researchers have argued that the program can be scrutinized while others are of the view that gender separated public school education is a far cry from legal and constitutional perspective. School leaders need to justify the authenticity of separation of sexes so that judiciary respects their policy in this regard. Secondly, research in the field of social science can help in getting a favorable judicial review on the genuineness of the case for single-gender schooling or lack of related planning. Until the highest court paves the way for gender-based schooling no progress can be made on this front. Comments of Justice Scalia stated in his opposition to the Court’s verdict in U.S. v. Vi rginia are worth consideration This essay makes a conclusion that Justice Scalia thinks there is very little scope left for arguing the case in favor of single-gender education. Any such initiative taken by school authorities can be challenged in the court of law, which could impose heavy penalty in the absence of â€Å"exceedingly persuasive justification†for initiating a gender-based divide in school education. Female teachers acknowledged this fact that they were at ease in talking with girl students over such topics as dating, marriage, and pregnancy.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Macbeths Crimes Essay Example for Free
Macbeths Crimes Essay Macbeths crimes are blood, appalling and pitiless. Does Shakespeare present this butcher, hell-kite and fiend as a monster or as someone with whom it is possible to feel sympathy? The play Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. It was written for the successor of Elizabeth I, James I of England. James I of England, who was James VI of Scotland, was a descendent of Banquo, and for this reason Shakespeare changed his play from the way this event actually took place in history. In history Banquo actually aided Macbeth in the killing of Duncan, this would have upset the king and may have got Shakespeare in a lot of trouble. Therefore Shakespeare changed it so that Banquo was not part of the plan to murder the king and was against the idea totally. Shakespeare added the witches into the play, as James was deeply interested in witchcraft. This would make the play more appealing to the king. James was a firm believe of The Divine Right Of Kings, this was a way of thinking that kings were hand picked by God and that they were, second in the hierarchy of the whole universe underneath God. As James believed in this way of thinking it made the murder of Duncan a lot more dramatic. When Duncan was murdered there was dramatic affects on Scotland. Shakespeare showed this unnatural affect over Scotland by things happening that would not happen normally. Such as horses eating each other and earthquakes happening. In the play Macbeth is shown as a tradgic hero. A tradgic hero is when a great heroic man has a weakness in his character, for Macbeth the flaw in his character is his great ambition. His flaw has come from the witches telling him the 3 prophecies. This turned his whole perspective around and that was when his ambition took over. As the play starts we see do not see Macbeth but we hear of how great a man he is and how much of a great brave worrier he is highly respected by all of his fellow Thanes and he also commands high respect from the king as well. There seems to be a connection with him and the witches in the first scene as the witches say Fair is foul, and foul is fair (act 1, scene I) This quotation show that things are not exactly what they seem. Macbeth repeats these words later on in that act. So foul and fair a day I have no seen (Act 1, scene III) When Macbeth says this there is a sense that the witch has already got some power over him, even though they have not met each other yet. At the battle the sergeant seems very happy that they had Macbeth on his side. The sergeant shows that he has great respect for Macbeth by complimenting him. Except they mount to the battle in reeking wounds; or memorize another Golgotha (Act 1, scene II) This phrase means that the sergeant was not sure if Macbeth and Banquo wanted to swim in blood or make another Golgotha, which was when Jesus was sacrificed. King Duncan also shows his respect for Macbeth when he says: O valiant cousin! Worthy gentlemen! (Act 1, scene II) Duncan is showing that he has great amounts of respect for Macbeth. After the battle has taken place Macbeth and Banquo are on their way home when the come across the 3 witches. The witches great Macbeth with 3 prophesies: 1. All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! 2. All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! 3. All hail Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter. As Macbeth is told he will be king hereafter there is a thought in the back of his mind to kill the king. These prophecies have shocked Macbeth and when the witches start to leave he tries to make them stay. He tries to make them tell him more about the prophecies. When Ross tells Macbeth that he has become Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth has the thought of killing the king again. Banquo says to him self in a soliloquy What can the devil speak true? (Act1, scene III) Banquo is stunned at the news, as is Macbeth. Macbeth asks them where they got this information as the Thane of Cawdor lives. Ross says that the Thane of Cawdor has been a traitor and that he is to be hanged. In Macbeths first soliloquy he says Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor: The greatest is behind. (Act 1, scene III) This shows that Macbeth has great trust in the prophecies and is contemplating weather or not to kill the king. Macbeth also shows that he doesnt really want to kill the king when he says If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, with out my stir. (Act 1, scene III) Macbeth is showing resistance to killing the king as he thinks that if he doesnt do anything then maybe he will have a change of being king. This shows that Macbeth does have a conscience and that he knows the difference between right and wrong. There is a great contrast between Banquo and Macbeth when they are told about each of their prophecies. Macbeth looks a lot in to them where as Banquo doesnt really look into them much. Banquo also warns Macbeth that the witches prophecies may not be the whole truth and may cause a lot of damage to him, despite this Macbeth still wants to be king. This shows Macbeth has ambition and this is the flaw of his character. Macbeth is not at all happy with Duncans decision to make Malcolm, The Prince of Cumberland his heir to the throne. Macbeth is so angry with the decision in his soliloquy he says Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires (Act 1 scene III) Macbeth has reached a turning point he wants to kill Duncan because now there is now way the he can become king unless he kills Duncan. The quotation shows that he knows what he is going to do is wrong so he wants to make no one can see what he is doing. In act 1 scene VII Macbeth has another soliloquy in which he faces a real dilemma. He is stuck with the decision weather or not to kill the king. His say He is here in double trust: First as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door (Act 1, scene VII) Macbeth is really confused at this point he is not sure if he wants to kill Duncan or not. The quote above shows if he does then he is going against his morals and conscience. I think Macbeth knows the full consequences of what he is about to do, this is why he has some doubt in his mind, as the consequences are terrible. Macbeth then talks to his wife about his plan to kill Duncan, and how he is having second thoughts about killing Duncan. Lady Macbeth teases him, so out of pride Macbeth is forced into killing Duncan. In Act 2 Scene I Macbeth is all alone when he sees a dagger in front off him. Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee: I have thee not (Act 2, scene I) I think that there is a large significance of this dagger being there. The dagger is blood soaked and is pointing towards the chambers of the king. I think that the dagger is a way of his mind showing us that he has a guilty conscience and that he has become possessed by evil. All of the forcing from his wife has passed him over to the evil side and now he is dead set on killing Duncan. There is also an element of ambition, as he wants to kill Duncan to show he is capable and also for himself to show that he is a real man to his wife. Once Macbeth has murdered Duncan he acts very strange almost like he is in a daze. He looks very disturbed, he says This is a sorry sight (Act2, scene II) He says this as he is looking at his hands as if he was disgusted with himself and that he couldnt believe he had done such a terrible thing. While Macbeth was killing Duncan he heard voices saying Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep (Act 2, scene II) This really got to Macbeth, he didnt know where the voice came from and it really startled him. Lady Macbeth just told him to take no notice of what the voices had said. But wherefore could not I pronounce Amen? I had most need of blessing, and Amen stuck in my throat. (Act 2, scene II) This also scared Macbeth has when he was about to kill Duncan he wanted to say a prayer but the word Amen was stuck in his throat. These two affects were the first few consequences of killing Duncan. Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous sea incarnadine, Make the green one red (Act 2, scene II) This quote shows Macbeth is starting to feel guilty about his actions. When Macbeth says will great Neptunes oceans wash this blood clean from my hands he is conveying that it is such a bad thing that he has done nothing in the universe can clear him of his sins. Macbeth shows regret for him killing Duncan when he says Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst! (Act 2, scene II) Macbeth is becoming unstable mentally and is regretting killing Duncan. In act 3 Scene 4 Macbeth is having a banquet. At the start Macbeth is called away to see on of the murderers who gave him a report. Macbeth wanted Banquo and his son Fleance to be killed, the murderers only killed Banquo but Fleance got away. Then comes my fit again: I had else been perfect; Whole as the marble, founded as the rock, As broad and general as the casing air: But now I am cabind, cribbd, confind, bound in To saucy doubts and fears. (Act 3, scene IV) Macbeth is very frustrated that the killers did not kill Fleance as it has ruined his plan but he believes he can get around this hiccup. Once Macbeth has returned to the banquet he is asked to join the Lords. Lenox says to Macbeth here is a place reservd, sir. Macbeth asks him where? Lenox says here my good lord. What ist that moves your highness? Macbeth goes into a rage and starts to scream Which of you have done this? (Act 3, scene IV) Macbeth sees Banquos ghost in his chair, now Macbeth is going insane. All of the guests start to worry about the king but lady Macbeth tells them Sit worthy friends: my lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth: pray you keep seat; the fit is momentary; upon a thought He will again be well. (Act 3, scene IV) Lady Macbeth is trying to cover for Macbeth by saying that he is disturbed because of a childhood drama. Lady Macbeth does this out of panic so that none of the lords are worried about the king. This could also affect his respect and reputation with the lords as they may think he is delusional. Lady Macbeth covers for Macbeth very well. Lady Macbeth then asks the lords to leave, as Macbeth is very sick. Once the lords had left Macbeth tells lady Macbeth that he has a spy in every house. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to get some sleep as he is become mentally unstable. Macbeth is suffering from all of the killing that he has done and it is not only affecting him it is also affecting his marriage to which seems to be deteriorating as the play goes on. In Act 4 scene I Macbeth goes to visit the witches, which shows he firmly trusts the witches as he has gone to them which gives a sense that they hove power over him where as if he waited and let them come to him he would not have given the impression that he was desperate. Macbeth is told 3 prophecies the first is: Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff; Beware the Thanes of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough (Act 4, scene I) The first apparition says this; it is a warning to Macbeth simply telling him to beware of Macduff, as he is dangerous. Macduff was never happy about Macbeth becoming king as Macduff never attended Macbeths crowning and he also suspected Macbeth of killing Duncan. The second prophecies is: Be bloody, bold and resolute; laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of women born shall harm Macbeth (Act 4, scene I) This prophecy made Macbeth relax a little, as he didnt think that there was any one in the world that could not be of women born. Which made him feel much more safer and almost invincible. The third prophecies is: Macbeth shall never vanquishd be until great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane Hill; shall come against him (Act 4, scene I) Macbeth was very happy with this prophecy as for him this meant he was invincible, as he believed that Burnam wood would never come to Dunsinane. He shows that he is very happy about his prophecies when he says: That will never be: Who can impress the forest, bid the tree Unfix his earth bound root? Sweet bodements! Good! (Act 4, scene I) Macbeth has decided to kill the Macduffs as Macduff has flied to England and Macbeth sees this as the perfect time and way to kill them. If they are killed Macduff will be distort and will want to kill Macbeth but Macbeth thinks he is invincible. This is the perfect time as there is no one to protect his family. In Act 5 scene I Macbeth is getting ready for battle when he hears a women screaming he sends his servant to investigate. He returns and tells Macbeth that his wife is dead. Macbeth responds to this by saying: She would have dies hereafter; There would have been a time for such a word. To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this pretty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, gull of sound and furry, signifying nothing. (Act 5, scene V) This speech is said by Macbeth as he thinks life is not worth living for any more. He tries hard to make his life better but in the end he is going to die so what is the point. That is the kind of attitude he is taking. Macbeth is then told that Burnam Wood is moving to wards Dunsinane. Macbeth reacts very badly to this he calls the messenger a Liar and slave (Act 5, scene V) Macbeth cannot believe it, the wood is moving, he is in such anger as the prophecies are not holding up to their word. Macbeth has his armour put on so he is ready for battle. In the final scene Macbeth and Macduff have a battle, Macbeth is very full of himself until Macduff says Despair thy charm: and let the angel whom thou still hast servd tell thee, Macduff was from his mothers womb untimely rippd. (Act 5, scene VII) Macbeth is in shock he cannot believe it, all the prophecies have been untrue. Them Macbeth is killed bye Macduff and Macbeths head is stuck on a poll and paraded around. This was a way of showing the people that if they betray the king this is what will happen to them. The witches have influenced Macbeth, if they had not shown him the 3 prophecies then he would never have killed the king and he would still be a noble man. The witches were agents of evil so they were bound to tempt Macbeth. The witches simply showed Macbeth what he could be if he listened to them they did not force him they gave him the option and Macbeth choose their way. The witches have no power so they simply temp and try to push Macbeth in the direction they want him to go. Their influence is fair great on Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is a very possessive woman and has a great amount of ambition about her. When she read the letter from her husband in Act 1 scene V she was determined on making Macbeth the king. She wanted him so badly to become the king. She showed her determination in Act 1 scene VII when she said she would: I have given suck, and know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling up in my face, Have pluckd my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashd the brains out, had I so sworn as you have to this. (Act 1, scene VII) She is so determined she would kill her own baby while she was feeding it, this shows that she is a very strong women. Lady Macbeth wants to become purely evil she shows this when she says Come spirits that tend on mortal thoughts! Unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty; make thick my blood. (Act 1, scene V) Lady Macbeth also says TH effect and it! Come to my womens breasts, and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, wherever in your sightless substances Lady Macbeth wants very thing that is feminine about her taken away from her so she can be purely evil. Lady Macbeth shows she isnt purely evil in Act 2 scene II when Macbeth asks her why she didnt kill Duncan she says Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet. (Act 2, scene II) As the play goes on lady Macbeth and Macbeths relationship starts to fall apart. At the beginning of the play Macbeth tells his wife every thing as the play digresses they lose faith and trust in each other. They do not tell each other anything. Lady Macbeth was not told by Macbeth that he was planning to kill Banquo or the Macduffs he simply just didnt communicate with her anymore. I believe that Shakespeare has presented Macbeth as some one who you can feel sympathy for, as he seems to be pushed in to killing Duncan by Lady Macbeth. I think that he never had any intentions of killing Duncan it was because his wife drove him so that he could gain power. He was not as strong as he seems, his wife bullies him into killing Duncan but he is a hero on the battlefield. Also if he had not seen the witches then I do not think that he would have any thoughts of killing the king.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Changing of Times, the Changes of Roles :: Essays Papers
The Changing of Times, the Changes of Roles After braving the hard travels and experiencing even worse, almost unbearable, living conditions of the pioneer life, the Jewish women gained a sense of a new freedom and a new reality that was only offered in the harsh, wild desert of the Southern Arizona territory. During these times of pioneers, many great histories and legacies of the small, scattered Jewish communities were established. Although these groups were small in numbers, there was a very large and dynamic impact. For example, of the Goldwaters of Phoenix, one of the more better known descendants, the late Senator Barry Goldwater impacted the federal as well as the state governments in politics until his death. Or the Capins, whose mercantile enterprise produced various large business chains throughout Arizona.(1) Or perhaps, the Bloom family, whose Bloom and Sons stores provided for the Tucson community for over eighty years!(2) The Jewish women of such families, although many unnamed and unrecognized for their work, have also help shape the fledgling Southern Arizona territory. These women broke the traditional guidelines of how to behave and how to live, which would have normally kept them in the home. â€Å"The escape from the ‘kosher beds’, from early marriage, the rituals accompanying menstrual purity, the continual burden of childbirth, was particularly dramatic in the case of the women revolutionaries...(3)†These Jewish women became, in a sense, revolutionaries; their generation produced radical changes in what a women's roles should be. Their source of strength can almost be credited to the Southern Arizona environment of those changing times, where etiquette and grace were not necessary nor needed in an area where rogues, flash floods, and the heat existed. Some Jewish women began to drop their traditional roles as mothers and wives to become doctors, nurses, teachers, even lawyers and active members in the community to better help the growing communities. In this paper, I plan to introduce my theory that the changes that led to the trailblazing of America also led to the trailblazing of the Jewish women, and I am using specific examples of local Jewish women of Tucson and Nogales, Arizona to show that the destruction and reconstruction of the ideal Jewish woman occurred during this dramatic time of mass migration, pioneerism and growth of America herself. The new times called for changes, and these changes were evident in the Jewish women's increasing involvement in their communities.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Hca 220
Week 3 DQ 1 due Tuesday Day 2 Post a 150- to 300-word response to the following discussion question and apply the concepts and teachings from the weekly readings by clicking on Reply: ?n the field of health care administration, why is it important that everyone within the facility use medical terminology correctly? How can using correct medical terminology improve patient outcomes and services within the facility? What could be some potential problems if medical terminology is used incorrectly?RESPONSE: Using the right medical terminology on healthcare can first stop the common cause of deaths in patients of medical errors. Some medical terms have the same abbreviations and may sound and look alike but different meanings. We as healthcare professionals have to be aware because verbal or written orders like scope or scopy may look similar but two different meanings. I work as a secretary and half the time I verify my orders with medical staff just to make sure of no mistakes.When the floor is busy I have to pay extra attention to details for instance a tube of blood may come out from a cesarean section and you won't know if its a cord blood gas or just regular cord blood order Reading back orders are confirming orders will help to decrease medical errors. Effective communication is the key to working towards teamwork and that's what medical professionals have to know. If orders are not correct, they may result to medication errors of giving the wrong dose of medicine or re drawing blood on a patient which can been avoided. Improper treatment is a major concern that should not be risked.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Therapeutic Hypothermia
Practice development issues around Induced Therapeutic Hypothermia (ITH) on Cardiac Arrest Patients Contents 1. Introduction 2. Pathophysiological changes during cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation 3. Physiological benefits of therapeutic hypothermia 4. Guideline for induced therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest 5. The UHL guideline’s goal of therapeutic hypothermia 6. Preparation, Monitoring and Supportive therapy 7. Cooling Methods 8. The relative experience 9.The role of advanced clinical practitioner and multidisciplinary approach 10. Synthesis â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 11. Conclusion â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 1. Introduction In UK, there are approximately 50,000 treated cardiac arrests, of which 5-30% of patients survive to leave the hospital e very year (Intensive Care Society, 2008). The Majority of these patients have suffered ischemic brain injury, which results in severe disability or ultimately leads to death.Until recently, there has been no intervention proving a significant reduction in the incidence of brain injury in arrest survivors; however in recent years induced therapeutic hypothermia (ITH) has been used to improve the neurological outcome of comatose patients who had return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after resuscitation following sudden cardiac arrest (Holden & Makic 2006). Although it is an evidence-based method, it has its own limitations and complications.The purpose of this assignment is to look at the current practice in own area, supporting national and international recommendations, review current literature and evidence-based nursing implications in caring for those patients. The physiological benefits of hypothermia, multidisciplinary approach of clinically cooled patients, practice develop ment issues around these patients and scope of advanced nursing practice will also be discussed. 2. Pathophysiological changes during cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation Under ormal circumstances, the brain takes 15% of the cardiac output and consumes 20% of total body oxygen supply (Girolami, Anthony & Froch, 1999). During cardiac arrest the blood supply to the brain decreases or stops, which leads to less or no oxygen supply to the brain causing loss of consciousness. This hypoxic state in the brain can cause depletion of glucose and adenosine triphosphate store (the brain’s source of energy) (Safar, Behringer, Bottiger, et al. 2002).In hypotensive state or no blood supply state to the brain, membrane depolarize, calcium influxes, glutamate is released leading to acidosis and lipases, proteases, and nucleases are activated contributing to cerebral oedema (Warner 1997, Safar & Behringer 2003). During the spontaneous return of circulation (SROC), further dama ge to the brain can occur. This is called reperfusion injury which causes series of process involving release of iron, free radicals, nitric oxide, catecholamine, renewed excitatory amino acid and calcium shifts (Warner 1997, Safar & Behringer 2003).These series of process will result in mitochondrial damage, DNA fragmentation, and cell death (Warner 1997, Safar & Behringer 2003). This process will continue for 3days (Safar & Behringer 2003). This process of injury and subsequent recovery varies depends upon the severity of injury (Girolami et al. 1999). The severity of injury can vary from reversible injury with full recovery to global irreversible injury leading to brain death (Girolami et al. 1999). The severity of injury is dependent on the length of ischemic state and the duration of reduced blood flow (Girlami et al. 1999). 3.Physiological benefits of therapeutic hypothermia There are several research have been conducted on methods to improve neurological outcome after cardiac arrest including pharmacological approaches, methods to improve cerebral circulation and oxygenation and induced therapeutic hypothermia(Bernard, Gray,Buist et al. 2002). Induced therapeutic hypothermia was used in the treatment of head injury since 1950s. Hypothermia can be divided in to mild (33? C to 35? C), moderate (28? C to32? C), and severe (
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Tentative and Tenterhooks
Tentative and Tenterhooks Tentative and Tenterhooks Tentative and Tenterhooks By Maeve Maddox The other day I listened to a radio interview in which the subject continually pronounced the word tentative without one of its ts. Tentative has three ts: ten-ta-tive (not ten-a-tive). Another t word that often has its medial t messed with is tenterhook. Its an old word derived from cloth-making, but it remains current in the expression to be on tenterhooks, i.e., to be in a state of painful suspense. Ive heard people say tenderhooks. Tentative derives from Latin tentatus, a form of the verb tentare, to feel, to try. Its another form of temptare, to feel, to try, to test. which gives us the English word temptation. A tenter was a wooden framework for stretching cloth. It derives from Latin tentus, stretched. A tenter hook held the cloth on the tenter. Some will argue that these pronunciations are merely differences of region or dialect. Whatever the cause, pronouncing them that way leads to misspelling them and misspelled words damage the writers credibility. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before WordsStory Writing 10110 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Dana Manciagli on What it Really Takes to Get a Job
Dana Manciagli on What it Really Takes to Get a Job Some job-seeking books are gentle and indirect. Dana Manciagli, on the other hand, is direct: Her book is titled Cut the Crap, Get a Job! As an experienced executive with 30 years in different industries, including a ten years as worldwide sales general manager for Microsoft, she’s seen more people hired (and not get hired) than most and knows exactly what goes wrong. She weighed in on cutting the crap and finding the job. Your book has a pretty direct title! What kind of crap do job seekers generally need to cut?â€Å"Crap†comes in two forms: mistakes and excuses. The unknowing job seeker steps in both types of crap and sabotages their job search efforts.How has looking for a job changed over the last few years?First, candidates need to accept that what used to work in past job searches is no longer effective or competitive. Then, they’ll need to be open to learning new job search techniques and begin applying them to the pursuit of their next career role s.So much has changed over the past five years and continues to change!TechnologyHiring companies are using technology to screen applicants; candidates need to know how to use technology to get jobs.Social MediaCompanies are using social media to find candidates, post jobs, and share information. Candidates need to master the correct use of social media to be found, to network, and to apply for jobs. They also need to learn what not to do on social media platforms.CompetitivenessThere are more applicants than ever applying for each job, so candidates need to learn how to get their credentials to the top of the pile and get an interview.InterviewsPhone interviews are on the rise and web-based interviews are emerging. Even face-to-face interviewing techniques have changed.How can job boards better help job seekers?I look at job boards as both a curse and a blessing. The curse: Candidates believe that spraying a large quantity of rà ©sumà ©s on the job boards will land them a job. Th e blessing: Job boards are a great place to learn about positions in the marketplace, what hiring companies are looking for, and more.People who are not sure about what they want to do next should use job boards to â€Å"window shop.†Too many career-changers or job seekers make up what I call â€Å"unicorns†or jobs that really don’t exist. Instead, they need to define a career goal that does exist in today’s market. Sure, â€Å"hidden jobs†are out there, but they would look pretty much like the positions listed on the boards.People who are updating their rà ©sumà ©s and LinkedIn profiles know they should use the keywords that the â€Å"buyer†is looking for. I give my coaching clients homework assignments to spend hours on the job boards and find the keywords on job descriptions for positions they are targeting.How do job seekers sabotage themselves without being aware of it?Unfortunately, job seekers make errors on every step of the jo b search process, from goal setting through negotiating an offer.Here are some of the top mistakes I see most often:Typos, grammatical errors, and misspells on virtually all job search correspondence- rà ©sumà ©s, emails, thank you notes, and more.Arriving late to meetings, appearing disheveled, presenting weak handshakes, and more.Being unprepared. Not researching the company, the division, or the decision-maker on LinkedIn.Not reading the job description in great detail and knowing- and being able to communicate- why you are the best fit for the position.What follow-up should we expect when we submit a rà ©sumà ©? Are recruiters or hiring companies just too buried to get back to you?Expect nothing. Manage your expectations and stop being the â€Å"victim†of reality. Having said that, if I had a magic wand, I would change this one tragedy: the overall treatment of job candidates. It’s horrible.Companies are focused on just one thing: hiring the right person for a specific position. They have limited resources and cannot commit to responding to every candidate. At best, you might receive an auto-rejection notice or auto-thank-you-for-applying email.The ball is in your court! You need to network your way into the â€Å"back door.†Your application is the â€Å"front door†and represents the first 5% of your effort. The next 95% of your time should be spent networking into the company. It makes all the difference!What trends in hiring should job seekers keep an eye on?Aside from the trends I just mentioned, here are more you should keep an eye on going forward:Mobile RecruitingAccording to a 2013 survey by LinkedIn, 72% of job seekers have visited a company’s career site on a mobile device. Companies are now building out their mobile recruiting strategies and implementing new technology. Candidates need to be careful, though! I’ve seen a lot of sloppy emails and poorly prepared applications sent from a candidateâ₠¬â„¢s mobile device! I still recommend using your computer for professional-looking business communications, produced with proper spelling and correct grammar, and that always include a full signature block.Social MediaSocial media will play an even larger role going forward. On the plus side, there will be more opportunities available on sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Careful, though, social media can hurt a candidate too, so learn what to do and not to do!For more from Dana, follow her on Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Globalization with Dr. Najib Hourani Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Globalization with Dr. Najib Hourani - Essay Example The forces of globalization include international commerce and finance, travel and tourism, transnational migration, the media and various high-tech information flows (Nanda & Warms 5). The three dominant views on the historical analysis of globalization include the skeptics who argue that globalization is not so quite a novel phenomenon, the hyper-globalists who do not deny the importance of previous bouts of globalization, but ascertain a historical juncture after ,which contemporary globalization emerged, and the transformationalists who argue that globalizationis the major force underlying the rapid, widespread social, political and economicchanges that are currently restructuring modern societies andthe world order. Globalization increases economic growth, sadly, also inequality. It may be termed as beneficial in the medium term, but harmful in the long run when neo-colonialism starts to factor in (Kottak 5). The phrase, â€Å"the white man’s burden†is used to describe the psychological conception that colonizing countries could bring non-colonized countries and cultures to a much better and superior lifestyle through the displacement and replacement of their customs and traditions. Colonizing nations believed that it was their obligation enlighten these â€Å"non-civilized†countries about the goodness that comes with western civilization, obviously an assumption. Based on Gandhi, the movie, it may be somewhat evident that the Indian nationals may have been more civilized than most of their British oppressors. With the aim of trying to self-preserve the Indian people, Gandhi often undermined this reality. He however enlightened his people that it was very much possible to remain true to one’s own culturedespite the predetermined effects of colonialism (Nanda & Warms 6). The difference between colonialism and globalization is that colonialism aims at completely eradicating the traditions of a
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Reading Summary - Essay Example to identify changing customers’ requirements, identify adjacencies that may complement its existing products and in general, developed new products that anticipate customers’ needs. The networked solution generates pool of creative ideas that are tested for their relevance and undergo comprehensive R&D, marketing research, marketing and other functions before they are launched. It has given P&G significant competitive advantage in the market. ‘Tapping the World’s Innovation Hot Spots’ informs one about the different ways firms innovate in order to meet their strategic goals. The authors have broadly identified five major models of innovations that are used by firms: focused factory; brute force; Hollywood; large-scale ecosystem; and system integration. Focused factory model concentrates on few tasks or fields using talent pool to innovate. Brute force utilizes large number of ideas to develop highly useful and creative products. Firms forge alliances with universities and academia to tap new ideas. Hollywood model helps create special place like Silicon Valley where smart entrepreneurs gather and thrash out new ideas for innovation. Large-scale ecosystem is developed as response to emergencies or external environment like economic breakdown. Initiatives are often taken by national governments that give incentives to domestic agencies. System integration refers to services including R&D facilities and infrastructure that may be used by other firms to align their corporate strategies with models of innovation that best complement their competencies or requirements. The article is important as it expands on firm’s innovation
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Consumer Health Information Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7
Consumer Health Information - Coursework Example A major advantage of using the internet is its relative cheapness that allows many people to access information about their health and other medical issues they would like to know about without having to pay the high consultation fees that are charged by many doctors and other specialists. Conversely, a major disadvantage of using the internet to search for medical information pertains to the credibility of some of the web pages. This is because some of the web pages are created by people without the appropriate amount of knowledge in the topic they discuss in those web pages. The use of the internet provides empowerment to the users as they are able to get information pertaining to various health issues they seek to know quickly and cheaply. This saves them both time and money and enables them to make various decisions that better their lives. This paper provides valuable information pertaining to the use of the internet to search for medical information as well as a major advantage and disadvantage of using the internet. As noted, the internet is indeed a cheap and quick source of complex health and medical information. The disadvantage is the aspect of believing any information on the internet as it might be false. This is very important to note and users should be informed to be cautious of the information that they fond on the internet. This information relates to the course concepts and provides a basis for understanding the rise of the internet as a viable source of medical information to users. Healthcare organizations provide very important services to the patients that get treatment and other health services provided by these organizations. It is therefore very important to ensure that these organizations have effective management systems and strategies.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Concept Of Happiness
The Concept Of Happiness However dull ones life may be there are times when one cannot help but question the meaningfulness of it. The subject of death is often a prime example of how people begin to question the value of life. Death usually brings people down and it makes them wonder if there is a meaning to existence or whether the recently deceased found it. In such situations, most of us turn to questions such as: What am I doing here? Am I happy? Am I doing the right thing? Am I making a difference? Hopefully one does not need to face such extreme events in order to question the meaning of life. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle expresses his opinions about the function of the human being in an attempt to show that the human good is activity in accordance with reason, and in turn this alignment alone is responsible for our happiness which in his view is the highest good, a self sufficient and final goal for any human being. Along the same lines, in The Experience Machine, Robert Nozick is addressing a similar issue, by arguing that pleasure is not the only thing which matters to us and brings to our attention the fact that there are other factors which contribute to our well-being. In this paper I will explain the arguments of both Aristotle and Nozick by exploring the concept of happiness, its role in morality and what I understand through ones function of living a happy and moral life. Soon after reading some Aristotelian material, one cannot help but notice that Aristotle was a man of science, a very analytical man. It seems that he deeply enjoyed putting things into categories of belonging. Things like the four causes, things like his classification of things that are inorganic and living, and the list goes on. The same applies for his work, Nicomachean Ethics, and as the name implies, this is as close as we can get to Aristotles code of moral values. Aristotle felt that virtue and being active were a means to happiness, which he believed to be the universal goal of every human being. However, since we are all different, every person has a unique way of achieving happiness and he starts his argument by bringing this issue into focus. He sets out to investigate what does happiness really mean? Does it mean a warm cup of tea, a healthy family or perhaps a good looking partner? Happiness means many things to many people, and that brings into question the meaning of true happiness and what makes something true happiness. Aristotle says that the good we are looking for is apparently one thing in one action and another thing in another, (NE 106a15-17) thus we have to identify which is the good in each of these cases (1096a17-19). Aristotle uses medicine as an example where the good would be health, or generalship where the good would be victory, but in every action and decision it is the end, since it is for the sake of the end that everyone does the other things (NE 1096a20-22). Some, may find this argument problematic and could say that sometimes we do things without a set goal in mind, and rather do them just for the sheer joy of it, but I disagree. Aristotles point seems to be applicable in every situation, since even if the good is not obtained as a distant goal but rather as an immediate reward, or at the same time as the action is performed, his argument still holds. For example, listening to music or walking my dog results in pleasure form just the activity alone, in the very moment that the action takes place. He then proceeds to explain that the highest good has to be complete and cannot be for the sake of something else as that would imply that the latter would become the highest. Aristotle says that it must be something complete and self-sufficient, since it is the end of the things pursued in action (NE 1097b21-22). This also seems like a very sound point to me. If there is such a thing as a highest good, then we can easily imply that it should be complete and sufficient in itself in order to make a life choiceworthy (NE 1097b15). While reading Nicomachean Ethics, I could not help but wonder if Aristotle ever realized the irony of this vicious circle we seem to be caught in. Most people live life by going from one compensation to another, trying different experiences, looking for a lover, wife or husband, career or money. I strongly believe that one must realize that these are just learned concepts and not something we are born with, and the same applies for our morality. It seems like we have a constant need to fill our lives with content, in order to keep us busy and to give us some sort of identity. Its quite easy to see the cycle that most people constantly go through: One feels empty and suddenly desire arises; soon after compensation comes, boredom sets in and then again one feels empty. I think we should strive to realize that it is not the object acquired that gives satisfaction, but rather that we are satisfied once were at peace, not needing anything. It seems to me that satisfying desire is only a temporary solution and once the initial excitement associated with the new acquisition is fading, the need to acquire arises again and again. This only turns life into an addicting habit, and while I do believe in true happiness I doubt it can be achieved this way. Nozicks philosophy is similar to this analogy, but rather than just arguing his point methodically, Nozick starts off by laying out a thought experiment. This experiment revolves around a hypothetical machine called the experience machine which is supposed to create a stimulated reality for any person that connects to it. The machine will then allow the user to experience various pleasures determined for each person by their own individual desires. In this hypothetical experiment, one would only have to be outside of the machine very briefly, in order to program the desired events and experiences for the next upcoming years of ones life. Another possibility would be for one to map out his entire life in the machine based on a very carefully conducted survey by superduper neuropsychologists which would guarantee a pleasant experience without having to ever leave the machine (EM p.606). Further, Nozick asks us to overlook certain concerns that would arise, such as who would run the machine if everyone would be plugged in, as it would not change the purpose of the experiment. He then asks: if presented with a choice would you choose to plug in? (EM p.606) Nozick opposes the question using a few distinct reasons, namely: we want to do certain things, and not just have the experience of doing them (EM p.606); we want to be a certain sort of person and we dont want to be limited to a man-made reality, to a world no deeper than that which people can construct. (EM p.607) In short, Nozick argues that, if plugging in to the experience machine provides more pleasure, we should simply follow this idea; however that will only happen if pleasure is all that matters to us. Nozicks own reply is that we would not choose to connect to the machine, and thus he concludes that pleasure is not the only thing that matters to us. I believe that, the answer provided by Nozick for his own hypothetical experiment, only sounds like a choice one would make simply because it appeals to the human biases against things which are considered artificial. Simply put, a person will not opt for an artificial reality if given the choice, even if it was an ecstatic experience but that does not mean that one is not seeking pleasure. It may as well be that, the psychological gratification received from knowing that one is living a real life is more rewarding than an artificial but pleasant experience. If we carefully examine the values that people hold we can see how they are just a different form of pleasure. Certain people would easily get pleasure because theyve turned down this machine and feel good because theyve made the right choice. Just because the psychological pleasure one may feel because of the choice made is more subtle than some ecstatic experience, it does not mean that it is not pleasure that one seeks. In my opinion, we are often faced with trials during the course of our lives. These trials sometimes change us and our perception of what life really is, which is what I understand through Aristotles function of a human being. He believes reason is what separates us from plants, animals and just about everything else. He calls the man who only identifies with human enjoyment vulgar, because while pleasure is related to happiness it is not the highest good, since one can feel pleasure but might not be happy. To me, this sounds exactly like Nozicks line of thought, but to be honest I dont think Nozicks experiment proves this argument. I believe his experiment may prove that there are several forms and types of pleasures, of which some are very subtle, but Im not convinced of how his experiment is showing that we choose other things over pleasure itself. At most, I believe it shows that we like the idea of achieving something ourselves rather than it being given to us, but then again, achievement is just another form of pleasure in itself. Aristotles function argument also states that our unique human function is the use of reason. According to him, playing the harp is a harpists function, and is the same as the function of an exceptional harpist. When virtue is expressed and added to the function, the harpists function becomes playing the harp, while the exceptional harpists function is to play the harp well. Each function is not considered complete until it expresses proper virtue and a degree of excellence (1098a11-16). Aristotle says that virtue is acquired through the practice of any given function, and that people are born only with the potential of being virtuous, yet they must act accordingly in order to acquire it. As I see it, Aristotles human function argument is a solid moral code that we should all follow. Given the use of reason is a primary requirement, everything one does needs to be analyzed, needs to make sense and needs to be channeled towards achieving happiness. If everyone strives towards the good with this in mind it is hardly possible to do harm or injustice to someone else for selfish or superficial reasons. I believe this is exactly what Robert Nozick was aiming toward in his work as well. My opinion is that life should be accepted as a gift which was given to us or an opportunity rather than striving to turn it into a race of satisfying desires and fulfilling ideas or concepts. I strongly believe life should be simply lived in harmony with everything around us and I would encourage anyone to consider the idea that life is not happening to us, but rather that we are happening in life.
Friday, October 25, 2019
John Steinbeck Essay -- essays research papers
John Steinbeck John Steinbeck was a famous American author who wrote from the 1920 to the 1940. Steinbeck was constantly moving across the country trying to succeed as a writer. John Steinbeck lived a life of constant up and downs, successes and failures before he landed on his feet and became a famous author. John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California on February 27, 1902. He was the only son and the third child of John Ernst Steinbeck and Olive Hamilton. Steinbeck’s father owned comfortable Victorian house in Salinas. John’s father managed the Sperry Flour Mill. Things were pretty good for the Steinbeck, they were settled in a nice home they did not have to many financial problems, but then economic difficulties forced John’s father dismissal from the mill. Steinbeck’s father deiced to open a feed and grain store and go into business himself. The store struggled to survive and eventually failed completely. A close friend of John’s father got him a job as an account for the Spreckles Sugar Company. "Although he had a job, John’s father was extremely devastated by the lose of his business"(Stephen) "Encouraged by his parents John began to develop a love literature"(Morrow). At his ninth birthday John received a copy of the book Morte d’Arthur. This was the first book John ever owned. He later said it was a great influence upon his life. During his years at Salinas High School, John excelled in English. At...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethics Training Essay
Ethical training is aimed at helping workers to incorporate a high degree of ethical standards in their daily lives as well as help the workers recognize their decisions’ ethical considerations (Lewis, Goodman, & Fandt, 2006). It enables the workers to understand the code of ethics as well as encouraging the workers to abide by the code of ethics. Nowadays, many organizations are providing ethics training to their workers in addition to providing a code of ethics. The ethics training is meant to reinforce the code of ethics and it greatly enhances the ethical behavior of workers in an organization. To begin with, ethics training programs are useful in helping workers to avoid rationalizations which are oftenly used to justify unethical behaviors (Lewis, Goodman, & Fandt, 2006). Some of the rationalizations used to justify misconducts in organizations include the reasoning that the activity being undertaken is in the interest of the organization, the reasoning that one will never be found out, and the reasoning that the act is not exactly illegal (Lewis, Goodman, & Fandt, 2006). Secondly, ethical training provides workers with a general framework which the employees can use to deal with the ethical issues that they encounter (Lewis, Goodman, & Fandt, 2006). This enables the workers to behave ethically as before workers act they are required to identify consequences and analyze options. In addition, ethics training provides a forum where employees and the management can discuss about the ethical dilemmas that the employees are facing and following this the employees are given guidance on how to approach the dilemmas by applying the ethical policies of the companies thus helping the employees avoid unethical behavior (Lewis, Goodman, & Fandt, 2006). Lastly, ethics training programs are useful in helping managers and supervisors to practice self discipline especially when it comes to decision making when faced with difficult situations (Lewis, Goodman, & Fandt, 2006). For an ethics training program to be effective, there are things that need to be included in the program. One of these is an interactive session where the employees are given an opportunity to ask questions about the ethical dilemmas they may be facing and have the questions answered (Ferrel & Fraedrich, 2006). The cases could also be fictional. The other thing to include in an ethics training program is a code of ethics. An ethics training program should be aimed at communicating the contents of a company’s code of ethics to the employees (Ferrel & Fraedrich, 2006). This is done face to face and should also explain the importance of ethical behavior. An ethics training program should include all the organization’s employees. Both the employees and the managers should undergo ethical training as the training would be of little importance if the leaders do not act as role models of ethical behavior (Ferrel & Fraedrich, 2006). In addition, this can demoralize the employees who behave ethically as they feel that the company’s policies are not being employed equally. The training methods used to train should also be interesting and could include things such as videos, posters, and group discussions (Ferrel & Fraedrich, 2006). The training program should also include education on the importance of values as well as education on the importance of compliance with laws and rules with the aim of inspiring principled behavior among employees (Ferrel & Fraedrich, 2006). For example managers can be informed about questions that according to the law are illegal to ask interviewees. It is also important to incorporate a decision making model which is a set of questions to help the employees make ethical decisions (Ferrel & Fraedrich, 2006). References Ferrel, O. C. & Fraedrich, J. (2006). Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases (7th ed. ). Florence, KY: Cengage Learning. Lewis, P. S. , Goodman, S. H. , & Fandt, P. M. (2006). Management: Challenges for tomorrow’s leaders (5th ed. ). Mason, OH: Thomsom Learning.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Biological Psychology Essay
Biological psychology, also known as biopsychology and psychobiology, is the field of research in psychology that gives emphasis on the use of principles of biology in explaining mental processes and behavior. It emerged as a scientific discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries when philosophers like Rene Descartes proposed physical models to explain animal and human behavior as opposed to subjective, semi-mystical approach that flourished during his time. Some of the Nobel Prize winners who are considered as biological psychologists include Charles Sherrington (1932), George Wald (1967), Konrad Lorenz (1973), David H. Hubel (1981), Eric R. Kandel (2000), and Linda B. Buck (2004). Sherrington and Adrian shared the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physiology for their discoveries that had something to do with how the neurons work. Sherrington postulated his â€Å"law of reciprocal innervation†stating that every neural activation in a muscle is inhibited by an opposing muscle. Adrian on the other hand accidentally discovered the presence of electricity with nerve cells in 1928. Wald is best known for his work with pigments in the retina. Lorenz won the 1973 Nobel Prize together with Niko Tinbergen and Karl von Frisch for their discoveries concerning behavior patterns of individuals and groups. Hubel and Torsten Wiesel shared the 1981 Nobel Prize â€Å"for their discoveries concerning information processing in the visual system.† Kandel won the 2000 Nobel Prize for â€Å"his research on the physiological basis of memory storage in neurons.†Buck is best known for her work on the olfactory system. Information about biological psychology can have wide applications in my everyday life. Through researches on biology applied in psychology, I am able to know more about mental processes and how I behave according to different conditions or stimuli. I am also able to understand psychological abnormalities and learn how to respond to such abnormalities. References Klein, S. B. (2007). Biological Psychology. New York, NY: Worth Publishers
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