Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Biology Ib Hl Paper - 2206 Words
N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX 88106001 Biology HigHer level PaPer 1 Tuesday 2 November 2010 (afternoon) 1 hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES †¢ Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. †¢ Answer all the questions. †¢ For each question, choose the answer you consider to be the best and indicate your choice on the answer sheet provided. 8810-6001 17 pages  © International Baccalaureate Organization 2010 – 2 – 1. N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX [Question and image removed for copyright reasons] 2. What is the sequence of stages during the cell cycle? A. B. C. D. G1 mitosis G1 G1 ï ´ ï ´ ï ´ ï ´ S G1 G2 G2 ï ´ ï ´ ï ´ G2 G2 S ï ´ mitosis ï ´ cytokinesis S ï ´ cytokinesis ï ´ ï ´ mitosis ï ´ cytokinesis S ï ´ mitosis ï ´Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Varieties of bacteria resistant to antibiotics reproduce faster than non-resistant varieties. Bacteria showing resistance to antibiotics survive after antibiotics are used. 17. Which taxa do Zerynthia rumina and Zerynthia polyxena share? A. B. C. D. They share the same class but not the same family. They share the same species but not the same class. They share the same class but not the same genus. They share the same family but not the same species. 18. What features distinguish Platyhelminthes from Annelida? Platyhelminthes A. B. C. D. segmented body non-segmented body bilateral symmetry no bilateral symmetry Annelida non-segmented body segmented body no bilateral symmetry bilateral symmetry 8810-6001 Turn over – 10 – N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX 19. What are the names of the organs labelled I and II in the diagram below? I II I A. B. C. D. pancreas small intestine gall bladder esophagus liver II large intestine pancreas stomach 20. Where in a cell are antigens found? A. B. C. D. In the nucleus In the cytoplasm In the plasma membrane On the surface of the Golgi apparatus 8810-6001 – 11 – N10/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ0/XX 21. Which feature maintains a high concentration gradient of gases in the ventilation system? A. B. C. D. Thin-walled alveoli Thin-walled capillaries A moist lining of the alveoli Blood flowing in theShow MoreRelatedPractice Biology Ia: Diffusion2410 Words  | 10 PagesPractice Internal Assessment Report Christine Zhu St Pauls Grammar School 00296648 Biology HL Trial 1 amp; 2: 8/4/13 Trial 3 amp; 4: 10/4/13 Photo credits: Smarties by Andrew Dean, copyright Rebecca Douglas, retrieved 9/4/13 http://rebeccadouglas.photoshelter.com/image/I0000WDNZi_s2W4A Smarties Diffusion Experiment RESEARCH QUESTION How does changing the colour of smarties affect the extent of its passive diffusion? INTRODUCTION Passive diffusion, also known as simple diffusion, is used toRead MoreThe Effect of the Cold War on Stem Education3949 Words  | 16 PagesThe Effect of the Cold War Arm’s Race on STEM Occupations during the Cold War Ketib Oldiais Mr. Kelley IB Asian and European History HL 00450- A. Plan of Investigation 5 marks During the Cold War, the struggle for power between the communists of Soviet Russia and the pro-democracy politicians of the United States escalated in numerous proxy wars, acts of espionage, and potential nuclear warfare. Behind it all however, the Cold War was a breeding ground for competition in the fields of science,Read MoreHigh School Fruit Fly Lab3600 Words  | 15 PagesFruit Fly Lab Alycia Fletcher Biology IB HL March 25th 2010 Fruit Fly Lab Introduction Genes can either be sex-linked or autosomal. If a gene appears mostly in one sex chances are the gene is sex-linked and if it appears frequently in both sexes it is most likely autosomal. Using Drosophila melanogaster, also known as the fruit fly, we will determine whether the gene is sex-linked or autosomal. Drosophila melanogasters have a relatively short life span and are an excellent organism
Monday, December 16, 2019
Top Tips of Student Term Papers
Top Tips of Student Term Papers Because term paper conventions will usually differ from discipline to discipline, and at times from class to class, it's best if students utilize totally free college papers that can be finished in precisely the exact general discipline and in exactly the same citation style that the learner would use. Even though there are many writing companies, a number of them don't provide students with quality already written essay and thus students ought to be careful with these kinds of businesses. Reading totally free essays can provide students realistic goals concerning the sort of writing they are able to aim for when you take a look at the quick term. Any student can execute an online search and discover dozens of websites that let them purchase college term papers. Our writing company has been in the business for so many years which is why writing college essays irrespective of its topic isn't a huge deal to us. Pre-eminently, the typical student term paper reflects a deficiency of private involvement of the author in his subject. The very first portion of the thesis examines child. Now, every student has a hectic and distressing life, with plenty of tasks to finish, quite frequently, in a short deadline. There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. The single long term paper, on the flip side, usually seeks to check the student's capacity to explore a particular problem in depth, bringing together a relatively large quantity of material to keep on a single topic. If you would rather compromise on basis of cost and wind up with buying subsidized term paper then you're bound to get problems and embarrassment. Luckily, you've come to the proper place to discover the best remedy to every single academic writing problem that you're currently facing with your essay. Many students search for term papers for free when they want to see an illustration of what a report appears like. Students who need to write MLA reports should take note that there are numerous different term for writing assignments. Register of health care reports, 1906-7. Students who are trying to get such reports online ought to be discriminating in their selection. Which should assist the student to earn a consistent collection of references and a. Homework and studying for tests and exams is only the start. Students should remain sure the absolutely free dissertations they're using are accurate, higher quality, and contain the proper formatting requirements. Get the Scoop on Student Term Papers Before You're Too Late Students often utilize no cost dissertations as a way to understand the simple format. In the present education, they are required to do essay papers as part of their academic coursework. Also, when they look for free essays, they should make sure that the free essays they select meet the size requirements of an assignment and contain the right pieces of information. When a student obtains an absolutely free essay, it is ordinarily written for some topic. Free student essays can be extremely useful in such study. They can be very useful in such study. Students should remain mindful that essays and term papers have their very own unique formats and kinds of content. They also need to make sure that the free essays and term papers they reference are not only accurate, but also well-written. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Student Term Papers Some individuals write the whole paper till they write the introduction. Firstly, lots of research is needed for term papers. A totally free essay is one that a student obtains without needing to pay for it. By making use of a term paper as an example documents, learners can acquire a good idea about what a report appears like, what sort of content needs to be included, the way the document should flow, and what style a student should use while completing a report. Progressive students always require not just the ideal quality but the most economical and student-friendly rates.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Plastic Bag Tax free essay sample
Plastic bag tax: To reuse bags or to refuse tax? Statistics reveals that 800,000 tons of plastic bags are used yearly in the European Union. In 2010, the average citizen used 191 of them but only 6% were recycled; yet, more than 4 billion bags are thrown away each year (Summers, 2012). However, some countries have banned using plastic bags completely; others, such as China and South Africa, banned only ultra-thin plastic bags, while in number of countries, a tax has been imposed. Plastic bags are commonly dumped everywhere; they could be found on parks, over trees, on beaches. They require great efforts to be collected and controlled, and that is one reason behind the ban ordinance in many places. In Ireland’s case, a tax of 15-euro cent on using plastic bags has been enacted in 2002. This successfully contributed to decrease the use of this kind of bags by 95%, and therefore, led to less litter in the surroundings and saved the energy used to recycle (Summers, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Plastic Bag Tax or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to the WordWatch Institute, in Washington D. C. , a five-cent tax per plastic bag brought the percentage of residents’ monthly use of plastic bags down from 22. 5 million, before the levy was introduced in 2010, to 3 million today. This small amount of tax would have a significant result in saving the environment if it is considered by the governments as an option to reduce pollution. The Oregon Legislative Assembly should enact a five-cent tax on plastic bags for many reasons. First, these bags have a negative impact on the environment; secondly, by enacting this levy the plastic-bag industry would be enticed to produce new products that don’t harm living things; and finally, this levy would increase the environmental awareness among the people and encourage them to rethink about their daily habits. The impact of plastic bags on the environment is very damaging. As already mentioned, plastic bags are discarded everywhere not only in landfills, which make it very difficult to control the damage. Even when people are environmentally aware enough in dumping their bags, plastic bags can be easily carried by wind to places that can hardly be reached, therefore, it is difficult to dispose them. Furthermore, hundred of plastic bags eventually end up in oceans and rivers and kill off the marine life. Actually plastic bags are non-biodegradable and last for years. Instead, these products are broken down to smaller pieces by some environmental factors and then carried away by winds and water, and therefore spread everywhere, hence, cause more damage and expand the problem. According to Samantha Fanshawe, the UK Marine Conservation Society’s director of conservation, scientists have found plastic bags in numbers of dead turtles’ and whales’ stomachs (Williams, 2004). Many species in water are vulnerable to swallow floating plastic bags, even the most intelligent ones. These animals swim with their mouths open, which make them always at risk to suck up this plastic plankton. The tax or ban on plastic bags might force the plastic bags manufacturers to innovate a new product that more friendly to environment. If plastic bags are banned, there will be definitely an economic impact on the production. Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University in Boston has reported that as the Oregonians pay a tax on plastic bags, the plastic industry will undergo a decline in sales; therefore, it will lead to a decline in employment (Wynn, 2011). On one hand, the use of plastic bags would decrease when a tax on consumers is applied; accordingly, the plastic bags production would decline; so, if the manufacturers want to revive their business, they should take an action. One solution might be coming up with a new product that satisfies the shoppers and the policy makers while at the same time doesn’t harm the environment. On the other hand, manufacturers would carefully consider more natural resources if they want to keep their business prosperous, avoiding any potential ordinance in favor of environmental protection. Another important reason why a tax should be imposed on plastic bags is that it will positively increase the Oregonians’ environmental awareness to some extent. Edward Russo (2013), a writer for The Register-Guard, writes that some stores in Eugene have already discontinued offering plastic bags for the shoppers; as a result, the customers have started to reuse the bags or use alternative made out of fabric or paper. Generally, people will cooperate with official ordinances and regulation; they may also do some research to find out why such ordinance has been enacted. Consumers may have never concerned about the environment but imposing a tax on plastic bags could be an alarm for them and in this way they figure out the huge destruction of these products. Likewise, the consumers may also reconsider new habits in their life and get rid of other bad ones; they may rethink more about their behaviors and how harm it has effected the surroundings. Residents will carry along their bags with them when go shopping, and they will tend to use alternative bags such the ones that made out of paper or cloth. Garbage bags also can be used more than once in order to reduce the waste. Some opponents of a plastic bag tax argue that the tax on plastic bags will be financially a burden on them. The Coalition to Stop the Seattle Bag Tax, which was formed after a tax on Styrofoam container was imposed by the city council in 2009, has claimed that â€Å"a 20-cent tax per bag would cost consumers $300 each year†(O’Carroll, 2008). Though, the WorldWatch Institute states that the average weekly use of plastic bags is less than this number (O’Carroll, 2008). However, in many cases, the government uses this tax to clean up the polluted places in the region. For example, the Washington D. C. government used the tax to clean up the Anacostia River that is severely polluted by trash (Worldwatch, n. d). Subsequently, when people pay off this modest tax, they indeed participate in preserving the environment and supporting projects, which have been published to curb the pollution that basically caused by people; therefore, they contribute to the public good. An Oregonian plastic bag tax is a good way to limit the environment pollution. It will not only help to decrease the amount of plastic bags disposed, but will increase the residents’ awareness as well as the governments’ income. We should never let single-use plastic bags to pollute the planet for ages. A serious step toward banning plastic bags in Oregon should be taken. Actually, governments and consumers should work hand in hand to stop pollution and save energy; to save the human being and marine animals; to protect the air and water; it is the least people can do considering this mess they have produced. References O’carrol, E. (2015, September 15). Industry group fighting Seattle plastic-bag tax: American Chemistry Council spent $180,625 in August fighting a 20-cent fee on paper and plastic shopping bags. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from http://www. csmonitor. com/Environment/BrightGreen/2008/0915/industry-group-fghting-seattle-plastic-bag-tax Summers, C. (2012, March 18). What should be done about plastic bags. BBC News Magazine. Retrieved from http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/magazine-17027990 Russo, E. (2013, February 27). Time to bag it: Within weeks Eugene shoppers must give up their plastic
Sunday, December 1, 2019
To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Example
To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay â€Å"As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grown but there wasn’t much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra. †(279) Scout says this at the end of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The story is set in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930’s. The main characters, Scout and Jem live with their lawyer-father, Atticus. Scout and Jem are adventurous kids who become fascinated by their mysterious neighbor, Arthur â€Å"Boo†Radley. He is the character in their games and plays. Boo saves the day but no one brings him into the spotlight because as the kids learn, it’s similar to killing a mockingbird. Throughout the book, Jem and Scout learn many things: to fight for what they believe in and that everyone deserves to be treated fairly. Scout learns from Atticus that fighting isn’t always right, but you should defend what is best. For example, while Jem and Scout talk to Atticus about the Tom Robinson case and he says, â€Å"†¦Every lawyer gets at least one case in his life-time that effects him personally. †(76) Atticus knows he can’t win the case but he takes it because he knows Tom is innocent. This case was a great way for Atticus to teach Scout that that he would argue until the end and prove Tom’s innocence. Furthermore, while visiting family, Scout and her cousin Francis get in an argument and he says, â€Å"‘Nigger-lover†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This time I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth†(84) Atticus tells Scout not to fight, but when she gets called a mean name she fights because she knows he isn’t right. Just because Atticus is defending a black man, that doesn’t give Francis a right to call her something rude and she realizes it. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mocking Bird specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mocking Bird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mocking Bird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Atticus teaches his daughter to fight for what she believes. Jem learns that everyone should be treated the same and skin color doesn’t matter. For instance, the final verdict of the Tom Robinson case is reached, â€Å"I shut my eyes. Judge Taylor was polling the jury. ‘Guilty†¦guilty†¦guilty†¦guilty†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ (211) Once Jem hears the news he cries because he knows that Tom Robinson is innocent but because he is black they say he is guilty. Jem wants Tom Robinson to be innocent but no one treats him the same as Bob Ewell. In addition, while Jem is talking to his father, Atticus says, â€Å"‘Tom Robinson’s a colored man, Jem. No jury in this part of the world’s going to say, ‘We think you’re guilty but not very, ‘on a charge like that. It was either a straight acquittal or nothing. ’†(219) Even though a lot of people are racist in the town, Jem doesn’t follow those ways. Atticus proves Tom’s innocence but the jury says he is guilty on all charges just because the color of his skin. Through his experiences, Jem is taught that racism is evident in his town and he should treat people equally. In conclusion, Jem and Scout learn many lessons. Their neighborhood teaches them about racism and how people should stand up for what they believe. Racism is still a problem in the world but not as bad as it was in the 1930’s. Blacks and whites are allowed to do things equally and being half black and half white isn’t looked down on anymore. People fight for what they believe in now more than ever. There are always rallies or meetings or clubs for people that feel that what is going on isn’t right. Times have changed; but people still learn what Scout and Jem did.
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